Posts Tagged ‘ Caption This ’

Caption This -XXIII

Sep 1st, 2009 | By | Category: Caption This

The Winner for Caption This -XXII is Rahul for his Caption : “Save Me From You…For You”. Congratulations, and your T shirt is on your way!
If you missed out this time, or you think you could have done better, don’t despair, you will have your chance.
Take a good look at the picture, and give it a caption that you deem fit. If your caption is the best, you win, and your name will be announced (with a link to your site, if you have one) on the front page of The MAG. Additionally,

Caption This – XXII

Aug 14th, 2009 | By | Category: Caption This

Unfortunately, we have no winner for Caption This – XXI. You think you have what it takes to win at Caption This. Here is your chance. Take a good look at the picture, and give it a caption that you deem fit. If your caption is the best, you win, and your name will be announced on the front page of The MAG. Additionally, you will win a “The MAG” T-shirt. So, what are you waiting for, put on your thinking cap and Caption This!
The rules of the contest are simple: