Caption This – XXV!

Oct 16th, 2009 | By | Category: Caption This

The Winner for Caption This-XXIV is Abhilash for his Caption : Broken today, Hopeful tomorrow!. Congratulations, and your T shirt is on your way!


Broken today, Hopeful tomorrow!

If you missed out this time, or you think you could have done better, don’t despair, you still have your chance.

Take a good look at the picture for this fortnight, and give it a caption that you think apt. If your caption is the best, you win, and your name will be announced (with a link to your site, if you have one) on the front page of The MAG. Additionally, you also stand to win a “The MAG” T-shirt. So, what are you waiting for, put on your thinking cap and Caption This!

The picture to caption this fortnight is:


Caption This and Win! (Picture by Neeraj)

Caption the above picture, and if your caption is the best, you could get your name on the front page of The MAG (with a link to your site, if you have one) and you also win a ” The MAG” T shirt. The rules for the contest are as follows:

1. Leave your caption as a comment in the box below.
2. Leave your name and your email id, so that we can contact you…if you win, that is.
3. The winner will be chosen only if there are at least five valid entries for the contest.
4. The winner will be chosen by the Editorial body of The MAG, and no disputes in this context will be entertained. And that is all there is to it.



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Neo is an engineering professional by day who takes on the mantle of a writer during the night. He started writing his first book at the age of fifteen. That book never saw the light of day, but, he says, writing that book made him realise that writing is something he wanted to do for the rest of his life. He hopes that one day he is able to quit his day job, and become a full time writer. If you like this post, you can follow Neo on Twitter

Neo has written 37 articles on The MAG. View all articles by

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  1. Non Verbal dissemination of Oneness

  2. “Ebony and Ivory, go together in perfect harmony”…

  3. Wait Dont Sneeze…bad manners!

  4. Black or White…We dont see colors.

  5. Don’t try and see the world in black and white it’s complex !

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