Finding Friendship!

Aug 4th, 2010 | By | Category: Articles

Somebody has said that we choose our friends, while relatives come in pre-made packages. How right that somebody was!

It is true that we try to select for ourselves that which we think is best for us, but, often and again, we make errors in our judgements. As Shakespeare has said, it’s better to have an enemy who tells you – on your face – your weaknesses, rather than a friend who hides them from you. With this idea in mind, I have always sought to find a friend who would be a friend in need, and thus become a friend in deed.

In my search for the ideal friend, I have made friends of all kinds. One of them was a childhood friend. We were kindergarten mates – grew up together, finished our school and college together. The entire neighbourhood new about the strong bond we shared. If my parents got a dress for me, one would be bought for her too. When my favourite dish was cooked by her mother, a parcel would await me at my home. Our sweet and innocent friendship seemed to have no limits. And because we spent so much time together, our interests, likes and dislikes had become similar too. We were, in other words, like Juno’s swans – inseparable.

Time went by, and after college she left to pursue her MBA, while I chose to stay back.

One Diwali – a home coming time – she returned, but as a new person. She shared with me her true feelings about our long, and seemingly never ending friendship. Her statements and remarks came as a total shock.

She told me how much she hated me, always had. She had hated me since the very first moment I had joined her school. Our friendship, she told me, was thrust upon her by her parents. She had just got used to me with time.

I asked myself, “Was 23 years of friendship nothing but a big joke?

All the moments shared together had suddenly become bitter.

It’s easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend. The memories had lost their sweetness and innocence. I am still trying to erase those memories. But is that even possible? Which part can I erase? To forget her would mean forgetting 23 years of my life.

Today, I am married and staying abroad with my husband. When I started to learn driving, I met my instructor, who was from Pakistan. I was a bit sceptical about her – her religion, her nationality, and her attitude towards an Indian. With the passing of time and my classes, however, our friendship blossomed. I also realized how little I knew about a country that was situated right next to mine.

In my Pakistani instructor, I found a friend in an alien country. We shared a common language, a common dress and a common cuisine. With so much in common, it came as a surprise to me that the two nations bore so much animosity towards each other. Today, I can proudly say I have friend who knows and cares for me, and her being from Pakistan does not matter at all.

On every friendship day, we come together to celebrate friends and friendship, but true friendship does not need a date. We need to thank the powers that be – every day – for shining the light of friendship in our lives. And the best we can do for our friends is to be their friend.

Image courtesy: lizerixt from

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Munmun Sen Gupta has written 1 articles on The MAG. View all articles by

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  1. Very Nice!!!…

  2. Hey… A very happy friendsip day to you (a li’l belated though!) The article indeed is very nice. I always knew you were this emotional…specially about your friends..I’ve experienced it time & again with you and this piece also reflects the same.
    True…its difficult to erase such bitter memories, but when you look at the lovely world and friends you have in it now, I’m sure you would feel some compensation for your loss

    Love you & keep writing!!! 🙂

  3. Friends would never ask you to be in need or deed but rather it would want you to be always there when you need.
    Simply touching article!! We’re proud of you Munmun

  4. Great article Munmun!!!

    Belated Happy Friendship Day to you as well.

  5. No doubt there are still people in the stream who rather care of humanity apart from race,colour,nationality,religioun,eventhough it is matter of comeacross.i wish your friendship get flourish.

  6. Hey very good article I wish you good friends(luck) in the alien land!!!

  7. Munmun you have never ever failed to amaze us by your literary skills, especially this one which is filtered by unpleasant past experience, i am happy that you have grown as a more practical person with time and have developed enough wisdom to look at brighter part of life now 🙂 – also we would like to see your new friend :)) from our neighbor hood…keep writing more such articles we all loved it.

  8. Genuineness is freely flowing in this writeup.
    You making me miss my bachpan ke chuddy buddies and college dost. Gotta find those chums now since you got me inspired.

    By the way, pls contribute more here. You have a fan here. 🙂

  9. ……….truelly a good anylysis of the word friendship…..

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