The Idiot’s Guide to Celebrity-Dom!

Apr 17th, 2010 | By | Category: Articles

Be careful what you wish for, because it just might come true.

Humans have an innate, deep rooted, and a strong desire to be famous, or at least be well-known. Even the most private individuals want to be known, and appreciated, for what they are and what they do. The recent growth in the number of reality shows – however much we may claim to despise them – bears ample evidence to the fact that people like to be famous, even if the fame lasts only for fifteen minutes.

But the territory is not devoid of pitfalls. Being known, or being a celebrity, is a burden that not many can bear. Let us however assume that the worst has happened, and you have become a celebrity. Here is a handy guide that should help you tide over the choppy seas of celebrity-dom.

No such thing as personal life
For a celebrity the number of things that a normal individual would consider personal is reduced drastically. As a celebrity you should be prepared for people wanting to peek in to every aspect of your life. The best thing to do would be to keep your closet clean, and if there are any skeletons in there, either hide them really well, or bring them out before someone else does.

Know that you will be judged
No one likes to be judged for their actions. There are times when the best among us give in to temptation and do things that we are not exactly proud of. Once the deed is done, there will always be someone who will remind us of that mistake. We know what we did was not the best thing to do and we want to move on, but they just won’t let us. In our lives, however, we have the option of avoiding those who judge us, but a celebrity does not have that option.

Once you are a celebrity everything you do is in the public domain and we, the people, will judge your actions. Regardless of the circumstances under which a certain action was performed by you, each one of us will judge your action against our own standards. The only way to deal with being judged is to ensure that when you are judged, you come out clean, or you have enough dirt on those who judge you that they won’t dare say a word against you.

Silence is Golden
So, you like to talk a lot, and when you can’t get hold of someone to talk to, you like to get on Twitter, Facebook, or some other social networking site and speak your heart out, do you? Well, then, know that you are better off being a non-celebrity. Once you are a celebrity, every word you say, write, or tweet, will be held against you. You may think that you are smart enough to know what to say and when to say it, but know that better men, and women, have tried and failed. The only thing that you can do when you are a celebrity is focus on what made you famous, and leave the speaking to the PR people.

The Right Partner
If you intend on becoming famous anytime in the near future, make sure that you find your soul mate, fall in love, and get married well before you plan on becoming famous. Once you are famous, and single, every handshake with an eligible member of the opposite sex will be seen as an affair, and when you finally choose to marry someone, every attempt will be made by different parties to sabotage the marriage. The solution is simple – get married before you become a celebrity.

There are a few other things that you should do once you are famous, but even if you start out with the above points in mind, you might actually turn out to be a celebrity that is loved by one and all, like, the little master, Sachin Tendulkar. As for me, I think, I am blessed to be the unknown face in the crowd.

(Image Courtesy: barunpatro from

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Neo is an engineering professional by day who takes on the mantle of a writer during the night. He started writing his first book at the age of fifteen. That book never saw the light of day, but, he says, writing that book made him realise that writing is something he wanted to do for the rest of his life. He hopes that one day he is able to quit his day job, and become a full time writer. If you like this post, you can follow Neo on Twitter

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