What Does Indpendence Day Mean to YOU?

Aug 15th, 2009 | By | Category: Affairs

WDIMTYIt has been 62 years since India won Independence from the British yoke. The 62 years have been eventful, and India today, naturally,  is very different from what it was at the time of Independence. But, is it what our forefathers wanted it to be; is it even what we want it to be?

What does  Independence day mean to most of us today? Is it merely a holiday that provides a break from our hectic work -filled schedules? Is it merely an inconvenient day when all liquor shops are closed?  Is it the one day of the year when we don our patriotic hats and switch on the TV early to catch the PM’s speech? Is it a day for the Prime Minister to make another set of promises to the nation, that won’t fructify in the end? Is it another way to waste money and  additional burden to the exchequer? Is it something with  a deeper meaning that makes us realise – and be thankful for – the fact that we live in the largest democracy in the world today?

Without any further ado, we would like you to spare  moment to think, and tell us what Independence day and Independence mean to YOU.

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Neo is an engineering professional by day who takes on the mantle of a writer during the night. He started writing his first book at the age of fifteen. That book never saw the light of day, but, he says, writing that book made him realise that writing is something he wanted to do for the rest of his life. He hopes that one day he is able to quit his day job, and become a full time writer. If you like this post, you can follow Neo on Twitter

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