The Legendary Facade

Jul 14th, 2009 | By | Category: Articles

He fought against destiny, nature, himself and people around to create his image as “the legend”– Not just a pure iconic legend but one full of human failings and imperfections.

And we know him more when he is no more…

I grew up hearing critical remarks about western icons being delinquents and moral aberrants. They might be, but we cannot forget their pied piper abilities, which render all  remarks and criticism petty enough to be dismissed as mere attempts at belittling their brand image.

Michael Jackson’s making has not been as smooth as his dance moves, or his vocal and lyrical talents. His growing up years were traumatic. Though there were sweet memories of success, they were always mixed up with bitter memories of difficult childhood he had at the hands of his father. No doubt, as he claimed, his father had been a reason for his perfectionist persona.

The childhood complications always interfered with his adulthood, and apart from being a great stage performer he was always at war with his own body. Success at a very young age brought envy from his siblings in the form of taunts and criticism about his physical appearance and features. This pushed Michael Jackson to sulking, and being ashamed of his body. This seems to be the reason that made him think of altering his natural carnal identity. A series of accidents is what started the process of rhinoplasties and surgeries, which went to the extreme, when Michael Jackson decided to go for a change of his body colour and features.

Michael’s childhood had created in him a diversified personality that led to failed relations, and into the alleged child abuse cases. Though the truth was buried deep in him, and along with him, there are mysteries and speculations left behind, which may fall out from the closet every now and then to spread commotion, shock and pain among people. While alive, Michael Jackson held fast the facts and secrets behind his mysterious life. Thus  he created his brand image and upheld it, and now, after his death, his talent has immortalized and crystallized his persona and his failings may just be dusted off his huge and enigmatic image.

Surprisingly, what later became his style, originally came from a need to hide his inner insecurities: falling long hair streaks probably to hide his face pimples. His discomfort with his broad nose, pimples, dark skin and two accidents – resulting in broken nose and burnt scalp – were put under cover by artifacts which helped him create a style of his own. His androgynous features, resembling his sister, were probably the manifestations of his feminine inclinations and soft vulnerable self. Whatever was at the root of these changes, they defined Michael Jackson in his own way, which will never be repeated in history again.

Michael Jackson carried the burden of maintaining his image and stature, which often went beyond his endurance level and made him prone to prescriptions drugs to escape anxiety and agony. Fighting against nature is never easy, and nature always resists and punishes its defaulters. Michael Jackson fought hard, but eventually succumbed. But, with his death, the man, whose life was shrouded in many mysteries, left us with one more mystery: “The mystery behind his death”.


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Aditi Arora has written 3 articles on The MAG. View all articles by

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  1. wow… the lady seems to be a huge fan of the legendary Thriller.. well written piece. kudos

  2. Little known fact ….Michael Jackson was also know as TJ to some of his closest friends which is short for ThrillieJean or ThrillyJean…… a reference to the Thriller/ Billie Jean era of his career.
    Great info & resource

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