It’s Election Time : Be-aware

Apr 17th, 2009 | By | Category: Articles
Elections are here, and this time the media is playing a big role in pushing the youth and the citizens of India to vote for a better tomorrow. The special “Jaago re” campaign has been designed for creating awareness among the citizens about the need to vote by engaging them in the process of participation in nation building, rather than being mere spectators, sitting at home and criticizing politicians and the political scenario. Jaago re means to wake up; it’s a wake up call to be aware of your power to choose your future. The site jaago re,  created for this purpose, dispels a lots of voting myths along with creating awareness about universal franchise and electing the legislature.

TV, these days, is also carrying advertisements making the citizen aware, and showing him the real power that lies in his, or her, hands. For instance, in one advertisement a leader comes to campaign at a commoner’s house. When the leader asks for vote, the common man enquires authoritatively about the qualification (for the job) of the leader, making him ( the leader) uncomfortable. The leader says, “kaun sa job” (What job?). The man replies, “desh ko chalaane ka job” (the job of running the nation).

This advertisement, and others like these, instill confidence in the common man to question the existing system. It also emphasises the notion that the electoral process is serious work and elected representatives have a responsibility towards the nation and its people.

But amidst all this there is also a dilemma for a common man: If one has to exercise his vote, in whose favor should it be exercised to; no one is clean enough to be chosen voluntarily. Almost all the leaders want to acquire power, and then wield it with no regard for the welfare of the common man. Elections in India, or anywhere for that matter, are hardly a fair game of the best winning all the time. It is a far more complex and dirty game of muscle, power and money. Power begets more power and so on. Many candidates in politics today have criminal records and some come with tainted images from the past. No one may be a convincing choice.

However, this time, there has been a constructive use of media in dispelling this dilemma and for promoting the principle that the right one should rule, and the truth should triumph. Where we see most movie stars promoting one or the other party, not even knowing their manifestos or agendas, Aamir Khan in his own way chose to be a face and icon for the youth who stands for truth. He is seen in various promotional ads recommending people to be well-informed about the candidate and the party manifesto before casting their votes and to vote criminals out of Indian Polity.

Though the election process may not be a selection process, it definitely can be an elimination process where in the media brings the truth to the fore and we can choose from the given options, the best one we want. Slowly and gradually with our constant scrutiny the vices can be ruled out from the politics.

To further sensitize the issue, Karan Johar and his production house, Dharma, has made a film “Kuch Nahi Ho Sakta” starring the young iconic cast of Bollywood for “Lead India” to awaken the voters on the eve of poll day. He says, “There are fifty million first-time voters out there to go out and vote. India is going through a critical phase, and I feel the need to beseech every first time voter to cast his vote and make this election count.”

Well, elections are here and as true citizens, the first thing to keep in mind is to go out and vote and weed out criminals from the politics. The voter should be well-informed and aware about his rights and duties, perform them well and make his honest choice, unaffected by muscle threat or greed.

Wishing India great Elections, 2009 and great leaders!


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