Adding Colours to Lives!

Nov 14th, 2008 | By | Category: Articles, Review, Sports

And I got another batch of 28 from the Balmiki camp and Arun Dass camps, and we moved our school to a place in the slums.
Everyday children would clean this place up but we were forced to declare holidays when it rained.

Then came a meeting with Mr Amod Kanth in March 2000. He assured me of all help while, Jyotiji and Geeta started visiting the school. I named my school Udyam. Help soon started coming in the form of stationery, toys and clothes from friends and relatives. With help from Prayas, I also got a teacher from the community.

While the Rotary Club South Delhi Cosmopolitan gave the children bags and sweaters, Prayas helped us get permission to use the NDMC school premises, after school hours. The school was rechristened Udyam Prayas. Few volunteers came through Youth reach and Pravah and we managed to keep the children occupied, learning and interested.

Learning centre for those seeking to be literate. Activity center for school children where they can read story books, play indoor games and become aware of their surroundings. Address the issues of sanitation, drinking water, maternal and child health and family planning in the community. Form self help groups for women and initiate income generation activities.



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