Want to write for The MAG

Sep 11th, 2008 | By | Category: Articles, Movie Review

Are you interested in writing for The MAG? Do you want your name on the front page?

It is not all that difficult!

Send in your articles/stories to editor@themag.in

But, before you send in your articles, ensure that you have taken care of the following things :
1. Your article/story should be original.

2. The article/story should not have been previouosly published anywhere, not even on your blog. Once it has been published on The MAG you can put it up on your blog/site with a link to The MAG.

3. At present we do not have any water tight categories or sections in which to place the articles/stories, but what we do expect is that your article/story is of interest to an average reader, in some way or the other.

4. Lastly, please make sure that you have run a spell check on the article/story you are submitting, and also that you have carefully re-read your article/story to omit any unintentional mistakes.

And that is all you have to do.


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