The Tibet Question – The Votes are in

May 12th, 2008 | By | Category: Editor Speak

In our last poll, we had asked our readers this question : 

 "Is it right to use an event like the Olympics to fight for the independence for Tibet?"

Your votes are now in, and here is what the readers of  The MAG feel (If you did not vote, you can still participate in the discussion in the comments secion).

poll result
The contentious issue that it is, it is not totally unexpected that the readers of  The MAG are divided in their opinion about the issue. After all, this is an issue that has brought the attention of the whole wide world to Tibet, and China has had to resort to holding talks with Dalai Lama, and his representatives.
For China, this issue is especially important as the eye of the world is on the country, especially in the light of the upcoming Olympic games. China has never been seen as a liberal country, but in the current world scenario, China would like to change it's image and show the world that things are not as bad as they seem.
In the poll, there was a third option of  "Doesn't Matter" and it is good to see that no one chose that. It is a sign that everyone thinks that it is an important issue. Hopefully, by the end of the Olympic games, a solution to the Tibet problem would have been found.
What do you feel about the Tibet issue?



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