The Best Blogs…

Apr 6th, 2008 | By | Category: Editor Speak
Blogs seem to have become the blood that flows in the veins of the Internet. They are a great source of information, as well as entertainment. Blogging, and being a part of the blogosphere has become one of the best ways to keep abreast of what is happening in, and around, the world.

We, at The MAG, have decided to put together a list of  the best blogs that are available on the Internet. The term "best" is relative, and it is hard to come up with a criteria to choose the best Blogs. So, we invite you to suggest some names for the list. The blogs could be famous, or they could be not so. They should only be "different" (again a very relative term).

I am sure, in your travels across the Blogosphere, you have come across a blog, and found it to be remarkable. Maybe you even bookmarked it. I would like you to share it with the rest of us. As soon as we have about ten blogs worth "writing" about, the link to the "Best Blogs" page will be put up on The MAG.


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