Lucky Draw Winner

Mar 24th, 2008 | By | Category: Editor Speak

Not long ago, a contest was held on the MAG to choose one lucky winner from the first few subscribers (via e-mail) to The MAG.  The winner has now been chosen and the site was used to draw the winner's name. And the winner of the first ever contest held on The MAG is Payal Gadhiok.

Here is what Payal had to say about The MAG, and about  winning the contest :

" I would like to thank The Mag for bringing this luck to me!!!! It came to me as a surprise and shock that I won a lucky draw. Though The MAG is not just another e-magazine but it also holds importance as people my age can put across their view ands opinions and I can relate to most of it…

Frankly speaking, I read The MAG because most of my friends are frequent visitors and writers on the magazine.

I also enjoy the reviews of the films that have recently been released –helps me choose my film, and not waste my money and precious time.

Well, to conclude I can only say that THE MAG has variety; it has ideas and it gives me insights and all addressed by people who have experienced it personally."


We, at The MAG, are looking forward to hold many such contests in the future. If you have any ideas for a contest please feel free to comment or send in an email to .
Have a good day!



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