Editor’s Desk 2008

Jan 16th, 2008 | By | Category: Editor Speak

The biggest difference between a printed magazine and an online magazine lies in the fact that the content on an online magazine can be updated at a frequency that can not be matched by the printed version. So, it was felt that by getting updated only every fifteen days, The MAG was losing it's edge. So, in the new year, The MAG is going to be updated, not at an interval of fifteen days, but new articles are going to be put up every two or three days. 


You can also subscribe to The MAG by email now. That will ensure that you don't miss out on the new articles on The MAG.  And if you are one of the first 50 email subscribers, you are in with a chance of winning a cash prize of Rs. 1000 ( USD  20). At the time of writing this The MAG has fourteen subscribers, so there are thrirty-six more spots to go before this contest ends.


In the future, there will be many more contests of this kind on The MAG.  So, don't stay away too long!


I would also like more people to participate in the poll ( "Have Your Say"),  so that we could know where the interests of our readers lie. That will also help us put relevant articles on here.


As a reader, if you have any suggestions, complaints or anything at all, you can leave a comment here or write a mail to me at editor@themag.in


Have a good fortnight ahead.








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