Happy New Year, 2008!

Dec 31st, 2007 | By | Category: Editor Speak


Anything that is once new, soon becomes old. And anything that has a beginning, comes to an end. At the time of writing this, 2007 is breathing it's last and 2008 is waiting in line, ready to take it's place.  The year 2007 saw many things  – great and small – happen; one such thing was the birth of The MAG. The idea of an online magazine is neither new or unique, and yet it has an everlasting appeal that will continue to endure for a long time to come.

The MAG has seen a good first few months in terms of attracting readers and writers alike, but there is a lot more that needs to be done before The MAG can bloom into the fragrant flower it is meant to be. I am hoping 2008 sees a lot of these things happening, and I am looking forward to your continued support in 2008, and the years after that.


The New Year is also a time to pause and take stock of the year that was; learn from the mistakes and resolve to have a better year. Did you make any mistakes in 2007 that you would like to share with the readers of The MAG so that they don't repeat them? And what are your resolutions for the year 2008?


I will also take this opportunity to wish all readers of The MAG a HAPPY NEW YEAR. May all your wishes come true in 2008!


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