From the Editor’s desk

Dec 1st, 2007 | By | Category: Editor Speak

So, we meet again!

Winters are setting in and, these winters are bringing heat to some of the Indian states as they prepare for the state elections. In my article about politics, I have tried to talk about why politics, and politicians, are not seen in a healthy light today. In another article, I have tried to identify some traits that characterise ineffecient living.

Moving on to the movie review, Goal was one of the movies that was expected to be a major hit all over the country. Aastha, in her article, takes a look at the good, the bad and the ugly in the movie.

 Then we have the regular quotes, jokes and Caption This. Congratulations to last issue's winner -Otilius for his comment, "Rachel Ray who?"

When I read that, I wondered who Rachel Ray was. I was as clueless, as the guy in the picture. But thanks to google, I soon knew that Rachel Ray is a host of a cook show on ABC, and I couldn't resist a chuckle at the aptness of the comment.

That is all we have for you in this issue. Though, you can check out the blog to see what is going on in The MAG world, and participate in discusiions about how to make this e-zine better.

Till next time!


The MAG.



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