From the Editor’s desk
Nov 15th, 2007 | By | Category: Editor SpeakWith this current issue, The MAG has completed it's four months of existence.
Four months in which there have been some major changes in The MAG, and some, even, in the way we thought it would develop over a period of time. Adding a blog and a caption contest are just few of the things have been added to The MAG!
Having contests is fun, and what is even more fun is winning a contest. What makes winning even more fun is the prize. Pretty soon, we will awarding prizes to the winners of the caption contest and the best commenter in an issue. What the prizes will be, is best left a secret at this time.
If you had not noticed, The MAG has a blog of it's own now. The main objective of the blog is to have discussions with you about how The MAG should move forward.
So, after you are done reading this issue's articles, get on to the blog and check it out.
One thing that we constantly hear about is having more articles on our blog and that is what we will try to do. Have more interesting and relevant articles for you to read and enjoy!
Till next issue, keep reading and smiling!
The MAG!