The Thief

Oct 15th, 2007 | By | Category: Short Stories
It was a sudden shock for me. I had never expected my parent's death when I was 15. I started weeping, and from the police officer I came to know that this all happened because of an accident. I didn't know what to do as there was no one else in the world for me, other than my parents.

The first day I went on without food but on the second day it made me very hungry and I was starving. For some money, I begged and in the whole day I could get only Rs. 3. I bought a packet of biscuits. I thought of stealing now, but before doing such a thing, my parents came to my mind. They always used to tell me, " Rusty, stealing is bad."

But what could I do? I was starving and between the thoughts of my parents and my starvation, I decided to steal. I decided to make an attempt at the house of a small merchant. As it was my first theft, I didn't want to take  a big risk. At night, I stole seven silver candlesticks and four gold plates from the house. I was satisfied with my theft. I sold the material, and earned a big amount of money.

Now, I was having a lot of money, so I went to a restaurant and had my lunch. Still, I was left with some money, but I decided that I would keep on stealing as a means of livelihood.

I decided to make the next theft. This time I was not at all afraid. At midnight, I went to the Baker's house and stole all the money I could find. Next morning the news of the theft at the Baker's house spread all around and the baker was devastated. I was chuckling to myself.

In this manner, I stole from many houses.The police came to know of my face and was after me. Whenever I went outside, I changed my look. Now, I considered myself to be an expert in stealing. So, I decided to steal from the house of the Chief Minister. This time I didn't even bother to change my look. I crawled inside the house at 10:45 PM and climbed the staircase to reach the 2nd floor. I was worried as the daughter of the Chief Minister was still awake. I thought that she would not see me as I was hiding under the table.

But, she quietly move down to her father. At first I thought that she had gone because of her own purpose, but when I saw the watch keepers rushing toward the table, I understood everything. Now, I was thinking of escape and slipped out, but the keepers saw me, and shouted for me to stop. I ran and they shot me on the leg, but with the pain I ran further, running almost a kilometre before I realised that I could not run anymore.

So, I sat under a tree, hoping that the guards would not see me. But I had hardly taken a breath, when I saw a guard not far from me, and he shot me in the chest. Now,breathing was difficult and I knew I would not survive. I thought of my parents and closed my eyes… forever.

 The writer of this story is a 12 year old  girl. 


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