Born to Sin

Oct 15th, 2007 | By | Category: Articles

Christopher Marlow in ‘Doctor-Faustus’ uses the following Biblical statement as a situation. This text is used by Satan to tempt & despair The Knight in ‘The dialogue between Christian Knight and Satan’.

Si pecasse negamus, fallimur, et nulla est in nobis veritas.

It means that if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves, and there is no truth in us. We must then, as a consequence, sin, and so consequently die. By twisting the scripture, Faustus argues that as man must inevitably sin, so they must be damned. He does not say what follows about God’s mercy towards sinners; if we confess our sins the lord is faithful and forgives us.   

Today, we discuss the rudiments of sin. If we ponder, we will find that sins occur from inherent tendencies of our desires. Furthermore these desires lead us to Stupidity, Anger and Greed. Most of the time we take our life as a very random phenomenon but we should always remember that even a small leaflet swayed  by the wind does so for a reason. 

Stupidity refers to the foolishness of not being able to understand or, lack of reason, and selfish attachment to the immediate profits. Greed means to become a slave of hunger, sexual lust, the desire for fame and other such earthly things. Anger specifies the rage within one's life or, the state of being controlled by impulsive emotions. If we look carefully at ourselves we are certain to find ourselves in the midst of suffering. This is because desires are the basis of all suffering and unhappiness in life. 

There are many practices which teach that one must confront and rid oneself of all desires and in this way, be happy. They regarded the human body as the source of all desires and  formulated a variety of methods to eradicate these material desires. 

Undeniably, desires give rise to suffering, but it is simplistic to therefore dismiss it as a purely evil or sin. As long as one is alive, one is bound to have desires; they are necessary to sustain life. Without desire one dies. To go a step further, we can say that desires are the driving force of the civilisation. 

Stupidity is something we are born with. We learn from our experiences. The system works like this only – we are left in a particular set of conditions in the evolving world. We struggle, and deal with the circumstances in the best possible way and, in the process, we learn how to grow as an individual. 

Greed, the hunger for knowledge, opens up a field for knowledge, opens up fields for research and endeavour. Literal hunger, the need for food, has  contributed to giant leaps in the fields of agricultural and industrial development.    

Anger, when directed against evil has motivated the framing of laws and securing the public order. “Arrogance” has the positive aspect of pride in one's work and acts as doubt of healthy skepticism. 

So, in total, our desires acts as a fuel for our survival and culmination in the process of evolution. Let’s have big desires for us. If one cannot have grand desires, he should at least have noble desires.



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Born to Sin

Oct 15th, 2007 | By | Category: Articles

Christopher Marlow in ‘Doctor-Faustus’ uses the following Biblical statement as a situation. This text is used by Satan to tempt & despair The Knight in ‘The dialogue between Christian Knight and Satan’.

Si pecasse negamus, fallimur, et nulla est in nobis veritas.

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