The Naxal Threat

Sep 15th, 2007 | By | Category: Articles

The growing influence of naxalites in India, and their continuous rising, meeting with little resistance, is an alarming situation and a substantial threat to the internal security of our nation.

It all started with a revolutionary movement of peasants and poor farmers in a small village Naxalbari, West Bengal, to check their exploitation by Zamindars and other influential people who tried to annex their lands. Charu Mazumdar was the core leader and originator of this movement. Latest statistical data indicates that 27% of our nation is under the naxalites grasp today. Forty years after their beginnings, they are stronger than ever. The ideological underpinning of naxalites remains the same,  and they still believe in encircling the cities with the help of rural armies as a path of revolution. The reason being economic backwardness and exploitation of tribals before, and after, globalization. Naxal influence is strongest in Tribal India.The growing contractor-political nexus exploits this economic backwardness and controls the wealth of forests, pushing the tribals to the margins. The precise regions under the influence of naxalites include UP (Eastern), Bastar, interior Orissa, parts of West Bengal, Vidharba, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh.

Governments of the respective states, as well as at the central level should take some serious offensive steps rather than defensive, or else the already alarming situation will become worse. Merging army with the police to tackle the situation can help a lot because this combination can prove to be a lethal one and go a long way in ending the naxalite menace.

But, all said and done, we also know that the political system of our country is so equipped that it is not ready to sacrifice it's vote bank, even if the security of the country is at stake. This is the only reason due to which Naxalite violence is not facing any consolidated defence, or much required offence. Anti-Naxalite local groups like Salava Judam are mot much help to check this already growing menace of the naxalites.

Its high time to make a full fledged and sophisticated policy so as to combat this scourge and more importantly to implement the policy under the guidance of dedicated, courageous and bold politicians, as well as bureaucrats to form an intimidating force against this violence.



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