Early Death

Sep 15th, 2007 | By | Category: Articles

There are many explanations about life. In the shortest way life can be identified by activity, but the question that arises is,  what kind of activity? Let’s try to find out the answer to the question.

Life is a challenge to meet, Gift to accept, An adventure to share,
A sorrow to overcome, A tragedy to face, A duty to perform,
A game to play, An opportunity to take, A journey to complete,
A promise to keep, A love to enjoy, A beauty to praise,
A spirit to realise, A struggle to fight, A goal to achieve, and lastly
A puzzle to solve.

 The table alongside gives the definiton of life, as defined by Swami Vivekananda.

While seeking to realize even a part of these noble objectives, we shall be having a life of fulfillment.

All of us have been entrusted by God with a concrete assignment. And to this end, he has equipped us with a unique set of abilities. There is nobody in this world who remains worthless, if he is really eager to do something commendable and if he realizes the potentiality with which he is sent in to this world. On the other hand, how much talent a person may posses, if he has no ambition, he gradually becomes a good for nothing. Each of us can contribute our bit to the good of the world by bringing out the best in us.

Without activity life will become purposeless and would loose its very basis. Significance of a life is not only it's  duration but it's donation. How much have you contributed to the world? Fame makes life immortal – "Keertir Yasyaas Jeevati" –  We live in deeds not years.

But life is not a bed of roses; procrastination is man’s biggest enemy. He who continues to live in the state of hibernation is similar to inanimate or inert material. A sleeping fox catches no poultry. Without concrete manifestation and fruitful synthesis of thought and action, nothing can be attained. It is an early death.

Of course all people can’t develop a persona with a halo. Great people, be it any field, are rare. If in his whole lifespan, a man provides selfless love or service to even one person, he utilizes his life, because everyone is a part of society as a whole. The work of service may start from one’s kith and kin and then it can gradually spread as far it can go. Dedication to the service of any kind makes a man imperishable. In Rig Veda (ancient Indian collection of hymns 1700–1100 BCE), it is written that “He is God who clothes the naked and heals the sick, who makes the blind see and cripple walk”. Lives of great man like Jesus Christ, Lord Gautam Buddha, Prophet Muhammad, Guru Nanak Dev and, Ramakrishna Parmahansa illustrate the real purpose of life. Man has his second birth when he becomes conscious of this moral law, without which no civilization could come up.

Human desires and emotions are not wrong in themselves, otherwise they could not be sublimated. They have to be given higher and higher directions until they turn in to supreme values of life. An individual’s happiness or misery depends not so much upon on his materialistic possessions as on the way his mind responds to life challenges. So let’s give new birth to ourselves and do all the good we can, as long as ever we can…

Reviews can be sent on rohit@themag.in


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Early Death

Sep 15th, 2007 | By | Category: Articles

There are many explanations about life. In the shortest way life can be identified by activity, but the question that arises is,  what kind of activity? Let’s try to find out the answer to the question.

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