Time to Live
Jul 15th, 2007 | By | Category: Articles
Each day, almost every day, there's a decision that each of us has to make. Each of us needs to decide for ourselves whether to give or to take, whether to bring peace or strife… and these daily decisions are the ones that reflect on the rest of our life.
Imagine the morning time for a child. The alarm has just gone off, waking him from a deep and peaceful sleep. With a groan, he drags himself out of bed and pulls the curtains. It is raining outside. He feels very nice. Suddenly he remembers that he has not completed his Math’s home work. He is afraid of punishment from the teacher. His mother enters the room and asks him to take bath. He cries "Can't u see I m doing my home work?”
"This is not the time to do the home work. you should have finished it last evening," she says and leaves. He does some of his work and then starts getting ready for school. He demands his 500 Rupees to buy a book, because his teacher has asked for the same. His father is crying now "What the hell is this? You always ask at eleventh hour. You cannot do any thing in your life. I am sure you will fail this year."
The child realizes his fault. Some how, he gets ready and catches his bus. When he reaches school he comes to know that due to some reason the school is closed today, he feels very happy. He is back home and comes to know that doors are locked and he doesn't have the keys. He decides to go to his friend. When he reaches there he finds that the friend and his sister are involved in a discussion. He asks them to tell him what they are arguing about. They are talking about some laws of science. They explain the same to him. He feels very good.
In the course of this short episode however he has experienced the eight worlds – Hell, Hunger, Animality, Anger, Tranquility, Rapture, Learning, Realization.
We all can relate this short story to our daily lives. We also go through so many different emotions and desires on any one day. It is therefore important to learn how to get the best out of all these different states of life, and the best way to learn that is through practice alone.