
The First Bicycle!

Sep 4th, 2012 | By | Category: Articles

As I was wading through the Monday evening traffic on my way home, I happened to notice a simple yet beautiful moment at a traffic signal. To my right, was a kid sitting on the back seat of a motorbike, holding his new bicycle.

In that brief moment, as we all waited for the signal to change from red to green, I could see the glint in his eye, the anticipation, the eagerness to reach home as soon as possible and ride his new bicycle. That one look brought about a flood of memories of the good old times.

Seven reasons NOT to go on a Morning Walk!

Feb 29th, 2012 | By | Category: Articles

Morning walks are good for your health, or so they say. But, trust me when I say this because I speak from experience – no morning walk can replace the pleasure and the joy you feel when you go back to sleep right after hitting the stop button on the alarm clock. I see a lot of heads nodding in agreement already.

In this article, I am going to arm you with seven bullet proof excuses that you can use to against anyone who wants you to go on a morning walk.

Needless Needs!

Dec 27th, 2011 | By | Category: Articles

In other words, necessity follows invention. And this is made possible by one of the biggest scams in the history of the world-“Consumerism”. The entire education system pushes students to become better consumers. You are considered well educated and successful in life if you earn and spend more. The latest addition to this con is the creation of a new species-“The Uberconsumerist”. These mutants are like consumerists on steroids, specially designed to consume even those products that come with a guarantee that necessity will never follow their invention.

Muskaan – A Beautiful Smile!

Dec 17th, 2011 | By | Category: Articles

The moment I entered Muskaan it felt like I was inside a time machine, and I was being propelled back in time to my childhood. All the toys and joyrides in the park got me excited and I remembered when I was a kid and used to visit the Children’s park in my hometown with my parents. These joyrides were all exactly the same but they were made of junk. Old vehicle rubber tyres have become seats for a see saw, a huge unused concrete sewer pipe became the base of a slide and a tunnel, while bamboos and steel cables became swinging bridges.

The First Viral Campaign

Sep 8th, 2011 | By | Category: Articles

Without the presence of any kind of media they made the Quit India movement go viral way back in 1942. Within days the whole nation was aware of the movement. There was a huge army of volunteers who would paint the messages on the walls in the dark of the night, even in the most distant villages of the country. The concept of posting messages on walls could have started from there, the same message being posted on different walls in different languages, to create a wave which would jolt the whole nation awake.

Simple Thinking, Happy Living!

Sep 6th, 2011 | By | Category: Articles

In one episode it was told that drinking cattle’s milk coming from commercial dairy farms is cruelty towards their new born. For someone like me, for whom gulping down a glassful of milk every morning was the hardest part of the day, this episode was like manna from heaven. I declared that I would give up milk forever, of course for serving a greater good. But my mom was too smart to fall for these shenanigans. She said if I gave up milk, I would have to give up all the byproducts like butter, cheese, curd and chocolates. I dropped my partially pasteurized… I mean half-baked ideology in a heartbeat.

“Play” is the Way!

Aug 29th, 2011 | By | Category: Articles, Uncategorized

There were a lot of apprehensions when it came to watching plays in an auditorium. Will the dialogues be audible? Will the tickets be too expensive? Will I be able to follow what’s going on if I zone out for a moment or two during the play? Would it be too hard to understand the intent and the purpose of the play? Will I be able to get a good look at the actors if I get a seat in one of the last rows?Yes, I did have these and many other equally bizarre questions looming in my head even while I was booking the tickets for this event.

Dealing with Corruption – An Alternative Agenda!

Aug 24th, 2011 | By | Category: Articles

Is Lokpal a panacea for all the ills of the Nation? After all, a Lokpal is only an Ombudsman with wider powers. It cannot eliminate corruption. At the best it can only put the fear of retribution in the mind of corrupt. Even that is limited because in any corrupt deal, unlike other crimes, both the parties are willingly participating, and therefore chances of complaints or production of evidences are limited. A bribe giver is not likely to complain against a bribe taker.

Why do Riots Happen?

Aug 10th, 2011 | By | Category: Articles

There is always an immediate cause for riots to start. It can be a small incident, or a major event. Whatever the scale of the triggering event, what follows is usually much worse, and results in greater loss of life and property. The death of Mark Duggan, for instance, was the immediate cause of the riots to start in London, but the spread of the riots had almost nothing to do with his death.

How to Get More Followers on Twitter?

Jun 1st, 2011 | By | Category: Articles

If you have not heard about Twitter, you might as well stop reading this right now. But, if you are one of the 200 million people who have an account on Twitter, you may want to read this because here we will try to answer the question: What makes someone popular on Twitter?

Let us begin with what some of the people on Twitter (or tweeples, as some would say) said when they were asked about what it is that makes someone popular on Twitter: